Office of Energy & Sustainability

Celebrating Earth Week: Stop & Swap Event

The Office of Energy & Sustainability invites you to our inaugural "freecycle" event, Stop and Swap, on Thursday, April 20, 2023. Do you have clothes you no longer wear, books you would like to share, or old batteries that need recycling? Reduce waste and give these items a second life by bringing them to the gym in the basement of Olin Hall on Thursday morning between 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM on April 20.

You are invited to return to the gym between 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM on April 20 to browse for clothes and books others have dropped off. All are welcome to pick up freecycled items. Donated items are free, and you are not required to contribute in order to participate.

Items to Donate

  • Clothes: All clothes must be clean and in good condition (no rips or stains)
  • Books: Pages should be in good condition and free from writing. Hardcover books must include jackets
  • Batteries & pipette tip boxes for recycling: Alkaline, Lithium (metal and ion), Nickel Metal Hydride, Silver Oxide batteries, and pipette tip boxes only. (We are not collecting electronic devices, computers, or phones, at this time)

Stop & Swap: Event Details

  • April 20, 2023
    • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM: Drop off clothes, batteries, or books (Note: Batteries and pipette tip boxes may be dropped off at any time during the event)
    • 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM: Browse and pick up any books or clothing items
  • Olin Hall Gym: 445 East 69th Street (Basement Level)
  • RSVP: Please give us an idea of a headcount and let us know if you plan to drop off items in the morning/attend in the afternoon

Volunteer Opportunities

If you have any questions, or are interested in volunteering during the Stop & Swap event, please contact Lara Pes at

Did you know

30% of Municipal Solid Waste is compostable food and yard waste.

Office of Energy & Sustainability 1300 York Avenue, LC006, Box 14, New York, NY 10065