Office of Energy & Sustainability

Recycling Infrastructure Improvements in the Belfer Research Building

As part of our continuing waste infrastructure improvement project, we recently re-examined the trash and recycling bins in the common areas on the Belfer Research Building laboratory floors (floors 4-16). To clarify the recycling process, we repurposed existing bins and gave them a facelift. After conducting waste audits and talking to researchers and staff, a few barriers to successful recycling were identified:

  1. The trash and recycling bins were too similar to each other.
  2. Trash and recycling bins were placed on opposite sides of the elevator bay. 
  3. Lack of well-visible signage. 

We took the following steps to address these issues:

  1. The top of the recycling bin was painted blue. This follows the color coding for recycling of the NY Department of Sanitation. 
  2. Customized signs with icons were added to clarify items that should be placed in the recycling bin.  
  3. The recycling bins were moved to the same side of the elevator bay for immediate identification.
  4. Feedback from researchers and staff has been positive.

Visual inspections of the bins before and after the modifications on two different floors confirmed that the quality of recycling was improved. 

sustainability newsletter Winter 2025

BRB waste bins in the elevator bay before (left) and after (right) the improvement project.

Did you know

30% of Municipal Solid Waste is compostable food and yard waste.

Office of Energy & Sustainability 1300 York Avenue, LC006, Box 14, New York, NY 10065