Office of Energy & Sustainability

Belfer Research Building Tour on Friday October 25

UPDATE: This tour is now full, stay tuned for more events!

You may know the Belfer Research Building was certified LEED Gold in 2014, but how does it combine cutting edge translational science with energy efficiency and a reduced carbon footprint? As part of Campus Sustainability Month, the WCM Sustainability Council invites you to take a look behind the scenes on Friday, October 25 at 12 PMĀ at the Belfer Research Building Lobby. Limited spots are available, click here to register by Thursday, October 24.

Attendees must wear closed-toe shoes (high heels are not advised). We will visit machine room spaces, and if weather permits, go to the rooftop for a lovely view at the end.

Did you know

Diesel trucks carry Manhattan's garbage 7.8 million miles every year. That's the equivalent of driving more than 312 times around the Earth!

Office of Energy & Sustainability 1300 York Avenue, LC006, Box 14, New York, NY 10065